
徐 鹏

研究员 xupeng@imech.ac.cn


    2021年7月至今,中国科学院力学研究所, 研究员;









    1、Gang Wang*, Bin Li*, Peng Xu*, and Xilong Fan*, Characterizing instrumental noise and stochastic gravitational wave signals from combined time-delay interferometry, Phys. Rev. D 106, 2022, 044054. 

    2、Liming Wu, Peng Xu*, Shuhong Zhao, Li-E Qiang, Ziren Luo & Yueliang Wu, Global Gravity Field Model from Taiji-1 Observations. Microgravity Science and Technology 34(77) 2022.

    3、Xiaokang Li, Heshan Liu, Pengzhan Wu, Haosi Li, Peng Xu & Ziren Luo, Proof-of-principle Experimental Demonstration of Time delay interferometry for Chinese Space-borne Gravitational Wave Detection Missions. Microgravity Science and Technology 34(64) 2022.

    4、Yuchan Yang, Wen-Biao Han, Qianyun Yun, Peng Xu and Ziren Luo, Tracing astrophysical black hole seeds and primordial black holes with LISA-Taiji network. MNRAS 512, 2022, 6217–6224.

    5、Chenyu Wang, Wei Liu, Yu Niu, Peng Xu, Gang Jin, Approach to quantitative detection of proteins with the biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry, Thin Solid Films, Volume 763, 1 December 2022, 139578.

    6、Gang Wang*, Wei-Tou Ni, Wen biao Han, Peng Xu*, Ziren Luo*, Alternative LISA-TAIJI networks, Phys. Rev. D, VOL.104, 2021, 024012.  

    7、Xiaodong Peng, Hongbo Jin, Peng Xu*, and et al., System modeling in data processing of Taiji-1 mission, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A VOL.36,NO.11N12, 2021, 2140026.

    8、Hongbo Jin*, Peng Xu*, The pipeline of data processing for TAIJI-1 space mission in the TAIJI program for the detection of gravitational wave  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A VOL.36,NO.11N12, 2021, 140002.

    9、The Taiji Scientific Collaboration, China’s first step towards probing the expanding universe and the nature of gravity using a space borne gravitational wave antenna, Communications Physics, 2021, 4(1):34.

    10、The Taiji Scientific Collaboration, Taiji program in space for gravitational universe with the first run key technologies test in Taiji-1, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2021, 36(11n12):2102002.

    11、Peng Xu*, Zhi Wang, Li-E Qiang, Towards constraining parity-violations in gravity with satellite gradiometry, Phys. Lett. B, 2019, 789:378. 

    12、Peng Xu*, Li-E Qiang, De Broglie relations, gravitational time dilation and weak equivalence principle, Annals of Physics, 2019, 400: 128. 

    13、Peng Xu*, Li-E Qiang, Secular gravity gradients in non-dynamical Chern–Simons modified gravity for satellite gradiometry measurements, Eur. Phys. J. C, 2018, 78: 1015. 

    14、Wenlin Tang, Peng Xu, Songjie Hu, Peng Dong, Lue Chen, Songtao Han, Xuefei Gong, Wenxiao Li, Jingsong Ping, Yun kau Lau*, Geshi Tang, Chang-e 3 lunar mission and upper limit on stochastic background of gravitational wave around the 0.01 Hz band, Advances in Space Research, 2017, 60: 1315. 

    15、Shuanglin Huang, Xuefei Gong, Peng Xu, and  et al. Gravitational wave detection in space---a new window in astronomy, SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, 2017, 47(1): 1674-7275.

    16、Peng Xu*, Ho Jung Paik, First-order post-Newtonian analysis of the relativistic tidal effects for satellite gradiometry and the Mashhoon-Theiss anomaly, Phys. Rev. D, 2016, 93: 044057. 

    17、Li-E Qiang, Shu Hong Zhao, Peng Xu*, Measuring the dimensionality of compact extra dimensions with inspiral gravitational waves from black-hole binaries, EPL, 2016, 116:1. 

    18、Li-E Qiang, Peng Xu*, Probing the post-newtonian physics of semi-conservative metric theories through secular tidal effects in satellite gradiometry missions, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2016, 25: 1650070. 

    19、Xu Peng, Qiang Li-E, and et al., A preliminary study of level 1A data processing of a low-low satellite to satellite tracking mission, Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2015, 6: 333-343.

    20、Li-E Qiang, Peng Xu*, Signature of biased range in the non-dynamical Chern-Simons modified gravity and its measurements with satellite-satellite tracking missions, Eur. Phys. J. C, 2015, 75: 390. 

    21、Li-E Qiang, Peng Xu*, Testing Chern-Simons modified gravity with orbiting superconductive gravity gradiometers: the non-dynamical formulation, Gen. Rel. Grav., 2015, 47: 26.

    22、Xuefei Gong, Yun-Kau Lau*, Shengnian Xu, Pau Amaro- Seoane, Shan Bai, Xing Bian, Zhoujian Cao, Gerui Chen, Xian Chen, Yanwei Ding, Peng Dong, Wei Gao, Gerhard Heinzel, Ming Li, Shuo Li, Fukun Liu, Ziren Luo, Mingxue Shao, Rainer Spurzem, Baosan Sun, Wenlin Tang, Yan Wang, Peng Xu, Pin Yu, Yefei Yuan, Xiaomin Zhang, Zebing Zhou, Descope of the ALIA mission, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015, 610: 12011. (空间引力波探测太极计划方案设计基线)

    23、BLAIR David, JU Li, ZHAO ChunNong, WEN LinQing, CHU Qi, FANG Qi, CAI RongGen, GAO JiangRui, LIN XueChun, LIU Dong, WU Ling-An, ZHU ZongHong, REITZE David H., ARAI Koji, ZHANG Fan, FLAMINIO Raffael, ZHU XingJiang, HOBBS George, MANCHESTER Richard N., SHANNON RyanM., BACCIGALUPI Carlo, GAOWei, XU Peng, BIAN Xing, CAO ZhouJian, CHANG ZiJing, DONG Peng, GONG XueFei, HUANG ShuangLin, JU Peng, LUO ZiRen, QIANG Li’E , TANGWenLin, WAN XiaoYun, WANG Yue, XU ShengNian, ZANG YunLong, ZHANG HaiPeng, LAU Yun-Kau, NIWei-Tou, Gravitational wave astronomy: the cuhhent status, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2015, 58: 120402.

    24、Xue-fei GONG*, Sheng-nian XU, Ye-fei YUAN, Shan BAI, Xing BIAN, Zhou-jian CAO, Ge-rui CHEN, Peng DONG, Tian-shu GAO, Wei GAO, Shuang-lin HUANG, Yu-long Li, Ying LIU, Zi-ren LUO, Ming-xue SHAO, Bao-san SUN, Wen-lin TANG, Pin Yu, Peng XU, Yun-long ZANG, Hai-peng ZHANG, Yun-kau LAU, Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detection in Space and Structure Formation in the Early Universe, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015, 39:411-446.




    28、Xuefei Gong*, Shengnian Xu, Shan Bai, Zhoujian Cao, Geriu Chen, Yanbei, Chen, Xiaokai He, Gerhard Heinzel, Yun-Kau Lau, Chenzhou Liu, Jun Luo, Ziren Luo, Antonio Pulido Paton, Albrecht Rudiger, Mingxue Shao, Rainer Spurzem, YanWang, Peng Xu, Hsien-Chi Yeh, Yefei Yuan, Zebing Zhou, A scientific case study of an advanced LISA mission, Class. Quant. Grav., 2011, 28: 094012.

    29、Peng Xu, Yongge Ma, Emergence of scalar matter from spinfoam model, Phys. Rev. D, 2009, 80: 104024. 

    30、Peng Xu, Yongge Ma, Five-dimensional PPN formalism and experimental test of Kaluza-Klein theory, Phys. Lett. B, 2007, 656: 165.
